Reveal Martial Arts

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Old Union Elementary Kids Are Super Ninjas!

We were excited to be approached by Old Union Elementary School in Southlake to do a fun party for their Mrs. Hills Kindergarten’s class who won 2nd place at The Dragon Dash Fundraiser. We decided to donate our facility and time and have these awesome kids come in to have a blast while playing games, do karate and become super ninjas.

We started with and awesome obstacle course where children got to jump, duck, crawl, kick and hop. We proceeded to a super fun karate class where the students got to learn some cool martial arts moves and were racing against Mr. Spicar to be the ultimate master ninjas.

Children also learned to say “Thank you” and “You are welcome” when they exchanged target pads, they gave each other big HIGH FIVES and said “You are awesome”. In the karate class we also touched up on one of our monthly life skills, HONESTY, and how we can become young leaders when doing things the right way even when no-one is watching like our mom, dad or our teachers.

At the end of the class we invited their teacher, Mrs. Hill, to join us on the mat and we presented all the children with a surprise. Since they worked together hard to raise money for their school we wanted to reward the kids with a crate full of school supplies like crayons, markers, pencils, glue sticks, notebooks, colored pencils, erasers, wet wipes, note cards they can use in their classroom.

Check out these cool pictures below.

If you are a teacher and would like your class to become super ninjas call or text 469-444-0246 or email to

For free martial arts trial classes tap here.