Reveal Martial Arts

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Engaging Through Screen Time and Zoom for Karate Lessons

Adam and Lucie Spicars, founders of Reveal Martial Arts.

Because of the Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic Reveal Martial Arts started offering virtual classes to keep kids active and busy, while staying at home, all the way back on March 16, 2020 and have been providing access to their taekwondo lessons via the Zoom app.

“Overnight we learned how to start using the Zoom platform and app, and we started delivering our karate classes in the virtual form,” Adam Spicar, the chief instructor at Reveal, says. 

Reveal Martial Arts instructors are teaching virtual karate classes through Zoom.

Switching to virtual classes has allowed Reveal to keep the same schedule, perform belt tests and host kids nights in. “The feedback has been amazingly positive,” Adam says. “We have so many comments in our parent group on Facebook about how we make the kids laugh, how we are keeping a sense of normalcy, how we are helping kids with schoolwork and goal-setting and keeping their minds sharp and training their bodies.” 

Online classes give kids the opportunity to learn from martial arts instructors all over the country. 

“They get to learn from instructors from different styles, different backgrounds, different schools and different states,” Adam says. “So this has been really great. We had muay thai with master David Vincent from Louisiana, we had a kickboxing seminar with grandmaster George Strickland from Flower we are offering additional ways for our students to be involved in the martial arts training.” 

While virtual classes aren’t ideal, Adam says they have broken down walls which has led to parents being more involved with his students’ classes. 

“In the physical location, they are sitting in the lobby while we have their kids training on the mats. But now, they actually participate in the classes with their child,” Adam says. “It’s fun because they get to kick, they get to punch, they get to move, they are bonding with their child and spending some time together.” 


If you would like more information about our Martial Arts Program don’t hesitate to call us or text at 469-444-0246.

Or get your child started today with our free trial.